This week’s event was the penultimate Walford 10 of the season, which means there’s only one left which is the Handicap 10. Will, you know what I’m going to ask for that night!
Conditions were slightly gusty making the outward leg a little more difficult than usual, but on the positive side you did get a push to the finish. Cookie took top honours this week just squeezing (he is a big lad) into the 21’s.
Turbo Will was not 100% happy only improving a tadge on his previous time on Walford, but there must be something wrong when your time is so similar to Old Gore! Fallon was the opposite being very pleased with his time and in the process giving Jwoooooones The Steam a drubbing along the way, who himself gave me similar. Just to add insult to injury Dave P snuck past me by a second, so Tuesday is my last chance to put him back in his place.
A close eye should be kept on Taff the Chair as he’s slowly closing in on everyone, only a matter of time before someone cops it. Millie just about held back the next wave of riders with Ian Smith still coming to terms with his new bike.
Adam Spector on holiday from a North London club gave his road bike an outing to a very reasonable time on our course, having met our club ride on the Sunday who gave him the invite. Good to see Wayne back out even if he’s not completely recovered, not a million miles from his best time! Max was on a mission this week, to go sub 28 which he did. This he wanted to do before his new machine breaks cover next week. Clive C put in a steady effort, but will need to do more training next year to keep the peasants at bay.
A strange night the next 2 riders were the first of 2 ties of the evening. Tom who was disappointed with his ride and Ziggy who was delighted (PB) just held off Come Try it Rider Walky who too was very delighted, this week again giving a whoop as he finished on another borrowed bike knocking a minute dead off last weeks efforts. Young Fallon JNR was another jubilant with his first time under the golden half hour marker. How much more can he chip off before the end of the season?
The second tie of the evening was between another come try it rider Louise Hart & B.C. Bill Reay (looked shocked by a lady coming so close to scalping him).
Hopefully we will see more of Louise as I think there’s a lot more to come once she gets to know the courses. The second North Roads rider Jennifer Hill crossed the line using a monster gear, saying afterwards that was her chosen style mashing the last 100 metres. Gerald once again volunteered to bring up the rear of the field, but on a technical note was not last!
I said it was a strange night, this week we had 2 punctures. How often does anyone have a puncture let alone 2? Charlie Iron Horse Bowden was first only getting to Vention lane. Dave H was the second, who blamed poor Cookie for scaring the air out of his tub at the turn by shouting at him from 200 metres away. Now for anyone who’s not heard Cookie shout at 200 metres away, without looking you would swear he was 2 foot behind you.
Thanks this week goes to John Hall who was persuaded to go to the turn, Bob Ryan for balancing everyone at the start before launch and the 2 Julies, Suff & Stephens for timings.
Rider of the night this week is Louise for a cracking first effort.
Next week is the last Old Gore of the season.
In the Cardiff 100 miles 50 today(bit of a mouthful) we just failed in the team prize when Clive Chappe needed to finish in 1:57:00 to clinch it for us…..
Cookie destroyed the field in 1:47:20, I did a 2:06:55, with Clive in at 2:22:52
On 18th & 25th August we’re going to need some help running the events. Julie & I will not be around. We have some help but more will be required!!!
Monday will be the last supper for the Jwooooooones family before they go to America, when we’re going for a curry. Give me a shout if you fancy coming along.