Once again we went to the Wilton Court, warmly welcomed in for this year's do.
passed around.
Now that is a seriously cheesy grin
With a lot of new faces out we initally thought it may be a squeeze, but with a few of the regular faces unable to attend this year, the dining area was comfortable.
Voices from above
Taff was his usual fretting bag of nerves (he hides it well, but I could tell), ushering everyone around.
Bill The Raffle helped organise the draw table and flog a few tickets, but had to stop the draw because he'd missed selling to half the room.....
After a 5 minute interlude the draw commenced.
The ghost from the wall tried tio grab young Fallon
This year's guests of honour were Lance Woodman and wife Pat. Lance over the years has run the Ross web site, even after he had moved away. The web page has been a real asset to the club, for that we have been very grateful.
Sam had the best season average last year since 1787
When approched about if he would like to be guest of honour , it was like speaking to a 5 year-old, such was his excitement. I felt he seemed very proud to have been offered the role.
Wayne struggles to get the certificate out of Lances hand
As the e-mails swapped with info about people and the club, I could sense the nerves were at work. Having written several versions of his speech (he's a playwrite you know) he ripped it up on the way down and just did a few scribbles on a bit of paper.
Keith tells a joke which made us chuckle. The rest of the room is told to talk amonst themselves
Anyways, his speech went well speaking about older days of his youth and the new generation of members. He chose not to mention the bit of his job where he has a very large horn, and occasionally has to blow it. Can't think why he didn't mention it....
Bill & Lance practice high 5's
Then came the evening's awards ceremony. With me reading the achievements out, Lance quickly worked out my sytem of filing certificates. He really was like a dog with 10 tails! Sam was charged with taking the photo's with my camera, which I must say, he did a good job.
Taff uses a new product which gets rid of grey hair. ppears to make the back of his head dissapear as well
Congratulations to all the prize winners and everyone else who took part last season. Appologies if your pictures not here, there were a few that were not the high standard we use on here.
Like a true stalker Mary refuses to let go of Lances hand
Thanks this year to Climb -on-Bikes, PGL, Michelin England and Echelon Cycles for the very kind donations they made for the raffle.
Handicap 10 champion, better known as "The Ringer" When asked why we called him Max, I said that his name..
Oh the look of suprise to be called not know it was going to happen
A broken Collar bone couldn't keep adam down. Did that last year so I know it hurts
Clive, new season ahead, time to get fit. In it to win is this seasons motto!
Alan "Happy" Taylor, enough said
"The Destroyer" dressed to the nines recieves the Cross ash Hilly 25 cup, destroying everyone before him
My dark horse for this season. Can the diet of healthy eating, low volumes of beer, early to bed and lots of secret training be enough?
Harwood well oilled. Guess who failed to get out on the ride the next morning?
The Racing sec needing help to carry all his hall of silverware away.
100 cup
Abergavenny & Back
753 plaque
Turbo Will already thinking about his training plan the next morning. How can anyone prefer the training to the racing?
Jack Morgan 10
Hill climb cup
753 plaque
Riders Rider cup
Matt still standing after 15 pints of Herefords ruffest zider
Juvenile 10 cup
753 plaque
Julie squeezes Lance hand tightly. Lance grits his teeth as if to say that dosn't hurt...
Ladies Best all rounder cup
Captain angry
Senior best all rounder
Vets best all rounder
25 cup
Don Woodman 25 cup
50 cup
Matthews cup
Tony the Tiger with his Entertainment award
Clive Chappe has just been told he had to pay Dennis's bar bill
Dennis after 5 large red wines, 6 beers thinks about where he left his car