I am writing to enquire if Ross-On-Wye and District Cycling
Club would consider promoting a new event we are organising, through your
membership and in due course, include details on your website?
We are in the process of organising what will be a great day
of cycling for all, at our first Wheelie Big Cycle. It will offer a challenge
for both novice and serious cyclists alike. The Wheelie Big Cycle offers riders
a choice of three routes, all taking in different aspects of the beautiful
Herefordshire countryside, the medium and longer route also go through some of
the counties picturesque black and white villages. The 60 mile route also pops
into Wales!
Cyclists will depart on their choice of a 15 mile, 30 mile or
60 mile, fully marshalled and signed, circular routes starting and finishing at
the Hereford Livestock Market. There will be timed starts between 9.00 and
It would be great to have your support for our new event.
Our website will be updated with all the route information and online
registration towards the end of March.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Nicki Lloyd
Community & Events
Fundraising Team
01432 851000 Fax 01432 851022