Tuesday, 28 January 2014

2014 Prize presentation

Well done Taff for another successful presentation evening at the Wilton Court.Will assume everyone had a most pleasant evening. A shame 2 of our prize winners weren't there to receive their awards, but as the pictures show, the show must go on.
My mother appeared to have the time of her life. Apologies to all that had to stoop so low to be at the same height as her risking your backs....

Body lubrication on overdrive

Taff introduces himself

Look, food left. Must have been on the wrong table

Will & Sammie make a wish, both use different techniques

The Chuckle brothers

They drank the plant water

The Hall Trophey winner, Steve Millard

Bill Reay scoops the Riders Rider Award

Scooped the Entertainment award as well and not for his jokes either

The Main Winners

Caralyn does a magic trick and hay-presto - Tony appears

Weather changed whilst poking her tongue out, now its stuck out

The final relax before bed (their own beds that is!!)