Monday, 24 August 2015

Last 10 of season

Was it going to be wet or dry was on everyone’s minds before leaving home. Several must have thought it was going to be wet, staying home to watch Eastenders, but 11 who had the faith turned up for the rain or shine (well apart from Julie who left it to the last 5 minutes to decide if she was going to ride). 
Bill took one look at the weather and dissapeared
 As it was, the weather gods were smiling favourably upon us for what turned out to be a good night at Old Gore, a good breeze pushed outward but was not too offensive on the return….much!

Hummingbird Legs Fallon, must have had his best ever ride to the turn, absolutely smashing it on the way back taking back the deficit he lost on the way out back with interest. Max finished with a fine second spot, just edging me out. If only Max and Matt had my slightly larger body proportions to carry around it could so easily have been so different.

Finally back to some semblance of fitness, not yet back to his pre-season fitness since the collar broke Tim once again was leading the next group. Nigel’s shift pattern has once again slowed him down a little, only just edging an invigorated James, another who’s coming back up to speed and probably looking forward to the hill climbs.

Richards partying has categorically caught up. When you see all those beach party photos of him cleaning the beaches the next day, you just know it was a good party. Tom “The Power” looked broken before he even started, having raced up late to sign on. An extra 10 minutes should be sufficient. 

Tony had his eye on Julie, almost catching her, was he just being polite in letting the lady go first…

Julie spent hours ooooering and arrarharrring about doing Old Gore, and that was before she’d even considered the rain factor. I can say she was pleased with her result, but would like the course to be resurfaced a little and the hill flattened out a little.

New face Carol put in a splendid ride, I have the feeling you go well up the hills. She also gave quote of the night when I said you should enjoy doing it; she said “I get a little competitive when I’m enjoying it.”

Thanks this week to Jon Airey timing, Adam Spector at the turn, with Adam Matchette pushing off.

Rider of the night this week is Matt, so close to that 24 minute OG.

Next event is the Long Hill climb, meet at the car park at Kerne Bridge (its actually Bishops Wood village hall).
We have 2 names down for timing/helpers – got to check the one as it’s in the turn column, and Hummingbird Legs has his eye on the record.

Aber & back is cancelled, there will be traffic lights on the course as well as the ones at Monmouth.

Matt Fallon

Max Suff

Paul Stephens

Tim Newland

Nigel Skyrme

James Wilson

Richard Harrington

Tom Knight

Tony Price

Julie Stephens

Carol Usher

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Andy Capp 10

As this was the Handicap 10, we’re not going to revel in the fastest on the night, more focus on the ringers of the season…….
Jon, top improver 2015
 Before we start on the handicap stuff, apologies to Rick; he was actually fastest on the evening, on any other night would have won, but lack of info prevented me giving him a handicap. For that I have given myself 40 lashes, 10 extra cos I enjoyed it!!!. Same with Julian, as I had no data for you, could not give you a handicap, but you looked to have enjoyed.

Anyways, as you can probably see, the Old Gore specialist stole the 1st place due to having specialized in riding Old Gores all season before coming out at Walford to show how those Quad dominant legs can really throw the power out. There were lots of back scene whispers but at the end of the day, everyone thought James deserved it as he’s such a nice bloke. The PB kid (Madame timekeeper, till we get her a proper handle) Julie, with a bug for going faster, thought it was all in the bag till James finished. She had been practising her cartwheels on holiday prior to the event, 2nd this time, flips and twists will have to wait till next year.

As I type, it’s just struck me how some will be wondering how the handicaps are worked out. Me too… Suppose I’m good at guessing, or maybe I’ve taken your best times, and then worked out who’s the fastest, worked the difference, then Hey Presto your handicap. I used Will’s time of 22:30 as the time everyone one should have finished in. If your time was greater than (I could have fudged it, as I know a few had lost fitness, but then that could have been cheating and frowned on) then that’s the amount of fitness you’ve lost. Quicker than by seconds you’ve improved on your PB’s this year.  One and a half minutes, you’ve set this up as the one you want to win…..

James “The Spinner” Wilson, you bad person, the back suddenly got better for the handicap. Good to see you end the season on a high, it’s been a tough one for you this year. Paul Cooper’s egg & chips training every Thursday has paid off. Week after week he’s chiselled shavings off his times, I’m sure he’ll get a good end of year report from me. 

The Forest’s almost top rider Steve Williams found a little towards the end of the season finishing 5th fastest on handicap, a little more motivation next year could see an exponential improvement in times.

Apologies again to Max, starting him last as I missed him on the signing on sheet, promise not to do it again, but the positive side of 22:30 shows it’s your quickest ride this year finishing 6th on handicap, 4th overall. 

James Hall was the only rider to remain consistent; maintaining his fitness over the last few weeks. I also think there could be a real big jump in James’ times next year, as he looks to be really enjoying his competitive rides.
Mrs, S looking aero
 How nice to see “Tony the Tiger” out. Soooo long nooo see. Obviously lots of secret training has taken place to maintain his fitness, well done Tony, just a few more events left this year. Tying with Tony, was my good self, it felt fast, I thought I was going well, ah well there’s always next year.

A mere second adrift of us was our Jon, another who’s improved all year. Just think about how you’re going to tackle next year, oh and drag Clive back out. Ricardo Harrington has spent far too much time holidaying recently, as such that surge in performance that had been building all season shot south this time out. I feel you may excel on the hill climbs this year.

A minute and one second separated them on the road; an incey wincey second separated them on handicap Tom “The Power Knight”  just stole Nigel’s KOM for bragging rights. Tom, we need to work on your approach this winter to training, you have the power (not grey skulls), but we need to show you how to use it. Nigel, you need a proper job that doesn’t affect your cycling

Thanks this week once again to Bill at the turn, voted top marshal 2015. John & Audrey at Lydbrook, Tim pushing off and a very special thanks to Dave Hall timing which freed Julie up to ride.

Rider of the night by consensus after the event was Julie.

Next week is the very last 10 of the season held at Old Bore, think about lights for the event and your return ride home!

The Aber & Back is I’m afraid cancelled; there will be lights on the course according to the highways agency via plod.

Don’t forget the Vintage Tankard – 4th Oct. Team looking awesome already, don't want to say to much at this stage!

Welsh Championship Open 10
We managed to get three Ross riders to the finish, which is positive, as we only had three start. Julie rode the Ladies section, finishing with a very reasonable time of 27:54, afterwards having the TT’ers attitude of wanting to have gone faster hence a little disappointed with her 39 second PB.
Jon Airey also had a PB also delighted with just 6 second improvement, in 25:40 and myself finishing in a disappointing 22:57, a PB for this year but over a minute from where I should be.

Club other than Ross
Handicap time
James Coull

Julie Stephens

James Wilson

Paul Cooper

Steve Williams
Max Suff

James Hall
Newport Olympic
Tony Price

Paul Stephens

Jon Airey

Richard Harrington

Tom Knight

Nigel Skyrme


Rick Harris


Julian Boon
Monmouth Tri Club