Weather was warm but grey for an Aber & back, with a very light mizzle in the air. Wobbly Bob was in charge so dictated we start on time (GMT) for a change rather than use the more familiar “Ross Time”. The first thing that struck me this year was the lack of Jerry. In all the time I have been riding the event, he has been an institution.
We had a poor turnout this year with only 5 riders, but on the positive side we did have more marshals than ever helping out. Thank you all who got up to support, or was it laugh at us?
Harwood Attempts to steal Earls water bottle
Conditions were not too bad wind wise (apart from Taff who overdid the Butty Bach the night before) on the outward leg, only being felt dropping down from the Skirrid. From then on in, it felt like a tail wind back, the exception being the climb up to Pencraig, which was not pleasant.
As per expectation, Cookie romped home as winingest rider, not a million miles from his last year's effort. Might be interesting to compare our rides to see where he was losing time to me as he should have been a lot fur

This picture is so wrong! Sooty eat your heart out
Second on the podium was Earl who looked super smooth, and was also looking forward to sparring with Jerry. Earl must be very pleased to have got under the 2-hour barrier, but also knocked over 8 minutes off his PB!
Mio managed a PB, in reality 5 minutes slower than anticipated, losing a lot of time going up the climbs. That seems to have been a real weakness this year. The other noteworthy thing was that was the second furthest event I have ridden this year as well.
Martin Green did not look 100% happy with his ride slowing down to chat for a few seconds going up the Dawn of Day before gapping me. His suspicions were he was still tired from training (running I think he said) the day before. It may not have helped his time whistling into Abergavenny missing the turn onto the bypass.
What a surprise to see Tony “The Tiger” Price up for the fight. He was reported as saying it was easy as he went through Monmouth. Oh how that changed for him in the last 8.5 miles, for the unaware the last 2 climbs give a rider a good kicking just when you think things can’t get any worse, and for Tony they got worse. This feat caused me much thinking. Earl had done a cracking ride knocking a good chunk off his PB, but I think rider of the day had to be Tony. He put in a good time, in relation to his normal performance, but more directly, he was operating well outside the box, having probably never actually ridden that far ever in one go. Tony, you can correct me if I’m wrong.
Thank then to Wobbly Bob (Robin Hill) timing, The Destroyer pushing off (not riding because he had a cough), Mary, Taff and Dave H. marshalling. Official photographer was Andy Parker, who I’m sure will give me access to his pics in the near future.
AGM is in October. Anyone got the date, as I can’t find it? More about that soon.
Vintage Tankard is 10/10. The team is shaping up nicely now. Fresh signings in every day.
The Hill climb is on the 17th at Hoarwithy.