The second Old Gore of the season saw some significant improvements from the previous race 2 weeks ago. Weather was about the same, with the breeze coming in more from the side and a little crisper. The bug bear of the night was the fly’s which managed to draw blood in the first 1minute. Must put the mozzee spray on before the next outing up there. Winningest rider again this week was “Turbo Will” who was one of the few to o a little slower this week. He may have been saving energy for The Fred Whitton challenge which he completed in 9 hours and 47 minutes in the pouring rain. Well done Will, who raised over £500 on the way. We expect a full report on here during the week when you’re resting at work.
A shy and bashful Dave H. was quick to tell us about his new PB this week knocking a whole 3 seconds off, but not to be out done “The Destroyer” managed to shave a little time off him and also got a new PB by 8 seconds. Having been told to improve his time trialling by his manager Mr Raddenbury of Performance cycles turned up on his road bike. Afterwards was quoted to say “the return into the wind and up the hill to the finish where the highlights of his race”.
Dave P. did have a new bike which has defiantly improved his pace. All he needs now is a the fancy helmet, that should knock off another 20 second. I can hear his wallet being unlocked as he reads this. Incredible! I gave it the beans this week, and only went 2 second quicker, at the same time it felt so much faster.
With a box fresh chain, Steve M managed to finish this week; with a few thinking he was going to be a little faster from what they’ve seen so far out on the club rides. Now he has a race under the belt I think he’s going to surprise a few people.
Another saving his energy to ride with Will at the weekend was “The Missile”. The chunks of time are falling away fast; I wonder what difference his Whitton challenge will make next time out?

What a ride by “The Spinner”, only 2 seconds slower than on Walford last week, and knocking 42 second off his best for the course. He looked awesome on the way out, with an audacious over take of the race sec up the finale climb. Can’t see the race sec take that lying down for long!
“The Animal” was in his second race of the night, the first was to get to the start on time. James for now has his old sparing partner right where he wants him. Steve W. had a storming ride in only his 2 event, but I think Earl will have to take the credit for Steve’s time having dragged him around all winter.
Anthony P. was a face from the past, apologies for not chatting after to see how you thought you had done, but clearly you were inside evens.

Matt Fallon was a young man on a mission. This week he removed a minute and 8 second off his previous time, according to dad, he was going like a train up the hill, especially once he clocked Ollie’s back wheel. Ollie was a happy chappie as well having also set a new PB by 38 seconds.
This week’s Lanterne rouge was Mary Munchkin, who tackled her first race of the season with a very large smile and lights!

This weeks Rider of the night award was a little easier to choose from this week. With only 4 nominations these were very quickly reduced to 2. This weeks Rider of the night becomes Riders Of The Night going to Both James and Matt who both performed well above expectations. Congrates both!
Thanks this week to Julie for timing, Sam Phillips for the pushing off and photies, and Bill Reay & John H. at the turn.
Next week is back to everyone’s favourite Walford.
The Forest event is their Hilly 2 up 15 starting from Shortstanding at 7:30.
Then on the 15th is The Cross Ash Hilly. 25.4 miles of both pain and pleasure. I’m happy to time keep, but if there are any volunteers to Marshal let me know please…….
Were going to meet at the top of Dawn of Day with the event kicking off at 10:00. I don’t think Will’s here so there could be a chance to win some silverware!
Planned a new race on the calendar, let me know if it’s for us? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAz4RYxDc8s
I will sort out (Fix to some) the 753 grouping next week. This is going to be very difficult to do as there are some many similarly paced riders which is why I havn't done it yet.
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