Monday, 3 September 2012

Four Ross Riders Complete the 12hr

Congrats to four of our club mates who completed the 12 hr time trial yesterday, what a mamouth task!

Dennis Beard
Graham Carter
Paul Fallon
Paul Stephens

Exact mileage to be confirmed but it looks like Dennis did around 170mi which is remarkable as he is 82 and had a nasty off with a grate which left him with some nasty cuts.  He got back on his bike and finsihed!  From what I understand when everyone else was grumbling about finishing Dennis was still motoring!

The other three all did around 230miles (about 19mph average) with I belive Paul Stephens just coming out on top.

Big congrats to them all!



    Looks like he has a rocket stuck somewhere

  2. For more images of pain check out
