Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Wobbly Bob stamping on   the pedals
Just a quickie I’m afraid, very busy week, and next week…

Well done Samuel, a well-deserved win, and about time too. Top ride by Millie, with a first turn out in a while by our Jerry, who appeared pleased to be out and still roughly mixing it with some faces of old.  

 Adam T declared it a great course, this week punching above his weight. The Destroyer’s out to get everyone, getting faster every week, wait till he starts his 2013 training plan.  

 Tom "The Power" Knight had a blinder, great ride Thomas, you were in the reckoning for ROTN. Wobbly Bob’s  weekend of training saw him moving up the rankings. Nigel, you may have had Bob’s scalp if you’d not given me support up the hill…..

Our TV star Rich made a special appearance to ride with us, another improving every week. Apologies to Paul, I said he looked to be struggling, at which point he said it was his 10 pace, just struggling for that moment I saw him. Clive declared the road surface the best in the country, and wishes we ran Old Gore every week. Tony, well Tony looked very smart in his sun glasses.

Thanks this week, as we needed extra help,  goes to Julie timing, Will Bevan pushing off,with Sam P, John & Audrey, Mike D & Bill at the roundabouts, thanks all.

Rider of the night this week has to go to The Missile

Next week were going to do an Old Gore 10

Currently no volunteers for marshaling duties

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